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I'm a new follower and I think I picked the right post to read first because it was highly motivational. Firstly, congratulations! I'm a freelance writer myself and have been at it for 8 years. I'm still relatively unsuccessful but I do enjoy freelancing, so I'm sticking with it. As far as advice for newbies and aspiring freelancers, I recommend:

* Aligning with other freelancers (as this post explains, there are now a lot of resources and supportive forums out there). This helps curb the isolation, which is one of the first noticeable drawbacks.

* Really work on honing your unique voice. I get hired mostly because I'm a sassy writer. Sure, I've got a decent amount of experience and positive reviews, but it's my unique voice and tone that gets me referrals and orders.

* Don't make freelancing your full-time career right away. This one may get me some hate, but I think it's important. If you have the option to start your freelance career as a side hustle, do so. Putting unfair pressure on your freelance career to give you $3, 000 a month or more right in the beginning can lead you to burnout and despair so fast.

Those are just my thoughts, of course. I'd love to hear others!

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